Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Crisco Shortening Fordry Skin

The Fencing Master

The Fencing Master is one of the best books by Arturo Perez-Reverte, is about an aged fencing master, who is caught between its past and current events of today. Don Jaime Astarloa lives in Spain during the Revolution and earned his living as a fencing instructor. His entire life he longs to develop the perfect, unparierbaren fencing thrust and in compliance with his family motto, 'Here I am'. One's own personality, sense of honor and an appreciative history are its greatest asset. The present time seems strange to him and the fencing is used today degenerated into a sport. In war or in duels will now be impersonal with Guns fired, who dies and who lives is rarely dependent on ability. His life turns out so monotonous as well. It provides fencing lessons, and he has learned even at the best fencing master in France and it exceeded even visited his regular table and would have to do with the political intrigues nothing. People talk about that revolution is imminent and soon moved primary to Spain, while Queen Isabella II threatened to resign if the domestic political manipulations are not disclosed. Thus, even generals, business and even family members against them. Jaimes Stammtisch friends are excited by events, however. Politicizing a man who works for the newspaper, his biggest rival and partner disputes, a melancholy, introverted piano teacher and a brother of the Masonic lodges, where you never know whether he does only really important or is a member. One day the monotony is interrupted, however, as the fencing master receives a card and a mother of proceeds, which would teach her son fight. The surprise is great, as Don Jaime is facing a beautiful woman whose eyes sparkle with energy and a small scar on her mouth, giving it an ever-present, mysterious smile.

Adela de Otero would like to be informed of the champion in fencing. A desire that Astarloa immediately rejects, as his experience and his pride would not allow that he informed a woman. But after pass a theory test and also has exceptional talent in fencing, agrees to the teacher, and you teach the impact of the 200 escudos. For people who do not know that push, he has fatal and usually fatal. Da Don Jaime has developed this dangerous attack itself, the number of experts is small. The fencing master but is soon faced with his own feelings, as he feels inclined to Adela. An old man who falls for a young day laborer in a woman that can not agree with his ideals. But Adela Duch seems indirect allusions to revenge plot and unpredictable acts, sometimes even dangerous. One day the young woman disappears without a trace, Don Jaime is replaced by an acquaintance valuable documents, the revolution is accelerating, and the fencing master is increasingly caught in manipulation and intrigue, the extent he can not even imagine approximate. The writing style of the book is simple, informative and very detailed. The fact that few persons and places will be integrated into the action, a deep familiarity is created, which is increasingly shaken by the end of the book. The terms of fencing will be unknown to many readers, and are therefore on the last Sites discussed. And the chapters bear the names and reflect the respective content. A highly recommended book, which impresses with its quiet, but steadily rising action and its characters to the end. At 278 pages it is unfortunately stopped very quickly, but everything necessary is satisfactorily told.



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