Sunday, February 13, 2011

Vasectomy Party Titles, Funny

Black Death

Black Death convinced particularly by the social criticism of theology and the authentic representation of the Middle Ages. In 1348 much of Europe from the plague, the eponymous "Black Death" is carried off. Corpses pile up on the streets, smell of decay hanging in the air and through these hygienic circumstances, the plague spread faster. But a remote village from the plague appears not to be affected and so the journey begins by Ritter Ulric and his companions, who are led by the young novices to Osmund said village. There is a necromancer or a witch to live, dead bodies return to life and people eat their own kind. It must be said, however, that the motives seem naive from today's perspective, but to that time could hardly anyone read or write, the only knowledge that acquire the common people could come by the church and so that also allows the imagination and ideals. Osmund pursued However, another goal because he wants to meet a beloved wife and keep this promise. Thus, by crossing the male dark forests, to be with witch burnings, the plague itself or face brutal highwaymen and on arrival in the mysterious village may no longer be alive. The intentions of Ulric and his companions are bleak, as they carry instruments of torture. But to the surprise of Ulric, they will receive courteous, tended to their wounds and invited to a feast. But the atmosphere has stimulated anyway, this village seems averse Religon Christians and to be followed and their leader Langvia think only of themselves and earthly powers. As Ulric an insignia of a man discovered gesannten from the church, the situation begins to escalate slowly and steadily Osmund future is bleak. The real reason why the village is not affected by the plague, should already be clear to the viewer since the beginning. A lonely village in the forests, which has little contact with other people and in their relationship hygienic living will be affected until relatively late by the plague, because the transmission should be lower.

While Black Death criticizes the church, so make use of both factions of the same measures. Ritter Ulric and his men meet with Instruments of torture and murder in mind in the small village a believe in God and Religon, while the villager's main occupations Christians, if they cancel the belief not only believe in and kill the leader Langvia. Does it still start as a Selbstverteidiung because they already had negative experiences with Christians, but they lose themselves in violence. This space allows for interpretation, because even if these people believe in nothing, they still follow someone who leads them. The efforts of the people, can not be explained rationally inexplicable events somehow and to be able to ask absolution for their actions or punishment of another power. The Middle Ages was itself implemented well, People who Pestmasken, hostages themselves, corpses rot in the streets and the whole atmosphere is gloomy and cold. The degree of violence in Black Death is very high impact, but not simplistic, but those times reasonable. In a battle, people are dying and the torture instruments are now even brutal. The biggest negative aspect of Black Death is the absence of sympathetic characters and the plot would have a bit more content than that but still offers Genung possibilities of interpretation. While the plot is also reflected increasingly Osmund and his relationship with his beloved protagonists. To it, Black Death is a very successful film, which has a few weaknesses, but managed by its atmosphere and the social criticism works.

7 / 10


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