Friday, February 18, 2011

Gay Cruisings Columbia Sc

The dance of the warrior - the one with the Wolf dances 2

Since the book is currently implemented as a film and many film buffs "Dances with Wolves" view as well, I want to write about the sequel, as it could interest many.

In "The Dance of the Warrior" is the long-awaited sequel to "Dances with Wolves". Due to the large time and distance to the outstanding first part, the expectation was correspondingly high, but that was definitely fulfilled. Since then recorded John Dunbar in the village of Ten Bears was, is now 11 years have passed and the events herald change, loss and cohesion. Dances with Wolves and Stands with a fist now have three children and are still happily married. The oldest son, "snake in my hands," daughter of "The ever-running" and the youngest daughter "always remains calm." But the times always involve more risks. The white building of the railway tracks (Sacred Way) through the country killing all systemathisch buffalo to the native people of all foods and deprive the Comanche is expected to benefit in pre-reserves, where all freedoms. On one fateful day, however, the separate ways and it is a disaster which is to change lives. The moves Dances with Wolves with two of his children to buffalo hunting to fill the depleted stocks, wind in your hair, who lost by attacking an eye observed with his warriors, the other practices of the whites and wise bird visited a friend who is master and negotiated with the blue coats, as it seeks a quiet, introverted personality peace. The much sought smiles a change in his life as he is in love with the granddaughter of 10 bears, would like to be a warrior and a prophet announced to climb a mountain to get there, a vision of its future. 10 Bears itself is becoming weaker and feels that he will die. However, he may rest until his people in a safe manner. guarded

While the village of a few warriors, rangers use this opportunity to kill almost all the villagers. Stands with a fist and her child be spared because of their skin color and see the Rangers back in it the missing Christine. Now it is to live with distant relatives far and are adapted to the white ruling class, but is overwhelmed by the contrast and aims against the forced integration. When collecting the village and the few survivors, villagers in two separate groups. Wind in the hair like the whites in revenge final destruction and Weiser bird seeks a peaceful solution because he already knows the force of the whites and violence always produces only more violence. John Dunbar tried in the meantime with stolen clothing, and his two children to bring back his beloved wife, but realizes that he can remember hardly any of his earlier speech or read. The lives of the whites, which was once his own, looks strange and disgusting. "The dance of the warrior" is a worthy sequel, but has much darker and more at the beginning, it is disclosed that few will survive. The protagonists, however, represent not only John Dunbar and his family, which comparatively are illuminated only rarely, but "The smiles a lot," "Wind in the hair" and "wise bird." As in the first part, the cohabitation of the village and the community is illuminated very authentic and represented the contrast between the two peoples very well. The writing style is simple, but informative, with 400 pages read quickly. If the planned film version to be implemented authentic to the book, the film buffs can look forward to a very good film, which meets all expectations.



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