Monday, February 7, 2011

Used Skating Sharpening

The maid of Orleans. Jeanne Darc Sven Stolpe.

The maid of Orleans by Sven Stolpe was the best ever book about Jeanne Darc, which he considered sympathetic, and contrary to historical person is aware of legends and fairy tales. Because even in his lifetime it was this legend,
their contents in Rouen led to her death. This differentiates it from history, psychology and legend, and report on the true story. It is irrelevant whether people think now, Jeanne Darc would have been affected psychically (Where they had this theory for an extraordinary mental and physical stability) and, therefore, heard voices or was manipulated by the events of the war. The fact is that the French history changed and the prophesied events are received. The book begins with an overview of the war and the environment in which Jeanne was born and what was then living in Domremy. By the age of 13 years, revealed her voices and apparitions of the Archangel Michael, St. Catherine and Margaret. It is also mentioned that at the time of the first voice of Michael, in this specific Day a city was attacked, which is linked very closely with the Archangels. Such events also suggest again that she was moved by this environment to their deeds. Confirm the first voices too, good to be and to regularly attend church, they are slowly precise and Jeanne hears that they visit the Captain Robert de Baudricourt the fortress Vaucouleurs, drive the English from Orleans and Charles the VII anointed in Reims and will be crowned. It describes exactly Stolpe Jeanne situation that they are entrusted to no one except a priest and her uncle, which they then also the first time after Vaucoleurs went to where she was vehemently rejected. Between the second and probably third visit, some time passed and Jeanne worked while in an inn, after the population has been displaced from Domremy.

Now that Vaucoleurs and only some regions were still unoccupied, was also consulted and Jeanne entsannt with a small escort. Of course, the captain also made sure the king and supervisors, whether this is possible. Stolpe revoked by documents and facts that Jeanne never exercised a military force or other prepared constantly at the top. She was even separated from their units and had to reluctantly follow the Bastard of Orleans. But after significant presence in the success of the Battle of Orleans was to open the gates for the soldiers and moved to attack and gave the soldiers courage and Uterstützung, sets up a banner on a hill and was wounded by an arrow, without even killing a soldier, she was in Orleans and around the world famous. Of course the English had to be sold, as Orlean constituted one of the few places still held, but Jeanne was in this and also in some of these battles, the final impetus. Stolpe here is also explicitly on the stupid behavior that Jeanne Roen should still be dangerous. People are starting from a girl who hears voices and represents their personality and goals, make a saint and seal her countless lies, as she is surrounded constantly by a certificate, the dead come to life, jewelry and rings, enchanted advertise their armor and swords, read one destined for death child breathed short life, so it could be ordained before death. Therefore, one should cease from today's perspective
, finally, to spread such lies, because this exact behavior, in addition to other charges brought death.

The rest of the book deals with the captivity by Burgundian soldiers, Jeanne's escape attempts, the extradition to Britain, and the process by using the original case files. This is achieved by Sven Stolpe, Jeanne presented as a sympathetic woman who until her death on her personality and goals held and also offers relatively unknown information which have been proved by witness statements and used documents. For example, Jeanne rescues a soldier and lets him shortly before his death, anointing, as it is melancholy outside a church and pray, without breaking into fanaticism or how people reacted to them in Orlean. Also, its very accurately defined childhood, her emotional level of the current situations and their behavior was described uncorrupted and very obvious. The first meeting with the king, in which unfortunately was never clarified what Jeanne was in a Nenebraum alone with him and discussed the process even before her death, she did not disclose this described very informative and understandable. It also regularly disclose parallels, as Jeanne as published saints or Jesus died a martyr's death. Guided by Voices, it is the people themselves, who brought her to death. Even Jeanne Darc waiting shortly before her death on God to intervene, which was not finished, or her death was necessary in order to get the perfect manifestation of God.

The process belongs to one of the most important chapter. After Jeanne Darc was captured by Burgundian soldiers, they sold it after two unsuccessful escape attempts at the English, where she was imprisoned in Rouen, and finally executed after the process. During the trial, but becomes increasingly visible, and the politics behind the accusations themselves are difficult to refute, manipulative and not understandable. Jeanne even openly admits to have received messages from God to lead France to victory over the English and the voices of St. Catherine, the Archangel Michael and Margaret manifested at age 13. Also during the detention of these voices are present. More of the 60 charges were heresy, Enchantment of jewelry, relics exhibition of Jeanne's arms when she was hit by an arrow, speak of men's clothing, self-glorification as saints, stubbornness. The fallen enemies were classified as murder, because Jeanne was not officially a soldier. Some questions were also placed so that none of the answers were satisfactory. 'Joan, are you sure to be in a state of grace? " 'If I am not, may God bring me there when I am, may God receive me in it! ". An agreement had been accused of heresy, while a denial, an admission of guilt would amount to. Jeanne was to be executed since the beginning. After they withdraw at the end of the months-long process through fear of death by fire, she was sentenced to life imprisonment. But she was beaten regularly and trying to take their men's clothes and put on a dress beaten, again as heresy was denounced. The prospect of such a life led to Jeanne Darc revoked and sentenced to death at the stake

With 400 pages this book provides very accurate information and is based on the best and well-documented truth. Imagination and legend description is as already mentioned, is not available and Stolpe is permanently on to this false image. The most recommendable book, which is available on the subject.



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