Sunday, February 20, 2011

Will Tv Pries Drop After Christmas?

Scent of a Woman

Charlie Simms comes from a poor background and can only visit by a grant from a prestigious boarding school, whose director despised but by most students and is hated downright . When some boys play a trick on him and him and his Jaguar with white paint over them are Charlie and his school friend George involuntary witnesses in preparation. The Director then imposed an ultimatum, which is to decide on Charlie's future. If he betrays the guilty before a committee, he received a scholarship to Harvard, if not, he is expelled from school. His friend George has to worry, however little, as his father is a man and help his beloved son is somehow. Meanwhile, Charlie wants to pursue a part-time job and be careful on an unconventional family member, because he desperately needed money. However, instead of waiting for him an old, frail man, Lieutenant Colonel Frank Slade. The former Colonel has repellent, arrogant and bitter, which is enhanced by his blindness again. Is its independence already limited by blindness, is now also a young man to watch him while traveling to his family. Even his grandchildren, he openly detests what is mutual. Frank Slade drinks, smokes, expresses permanent sexist jokes and Charlie yells at every opportunity. But as Charlie, despite his behavior remains, Frank realized that it is the perfect opportunity to live again properly and to travel to New York. Charlie himself is persuaded relatively quickly, but makes very concerned whether this trip was the right decision. At least the former Colonel seems to have no money worries. Both fly first class, eat in expensive restaurants and involve excessive expensive hotel. Slade also shares with him there, why he so generous with his money deal. Slade wants to stay in a prestigious hotel, to visit his brother to sleep with a beautiful woman, driving a Ferari and then commit suicide. Once again live right before he puts on his uniform and killed by a headshot. Now Charlie is internally divided, not only because of the decision of the school, but must also take care to preserve the Slade and idiosyncratic man from committing suicide.

But slowly a friendship develops between the two and would like to Slade Charlie help in his decision to allow him his first sexual contact, introduce the family and he needs Charlie naturally as an end in itself, because it is in New York alone can not find their way and finally he has to help someone with Ferari. Scent of a Woman currency exchange ever between serious and amusing content, which is reinforced by the very unconventional, but sympathetic charm of the aged colonel. Al Pacino finally won with this role his longed-for, first Oscar, what surprised because of his excellent acting skills yet. The film thrives on its disparate characters and their behavior, so the film is predictable and hardly ever again offers interesting scenes. Al Pacino who likes this film should definitely angsehen, because it involves one of his best roles.

9 / 10


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