Sunday, March 6, 2011

Microsoft Office Cookbook


approaching slowly but surely the spring and with joy I think of the way which leads us to our garden if we have to transport anything, we love to go two kilometers to Fuß.Unser district is to the right " Green called "despite traffic, we have maintained the rural atmosphere.
A ection 1
Section 2
Section 3
Section 4
Section 5
Until a few years, this was an old abandoned textile mill, with the original name "Kingdom of Heaven and Pinch"
now renovated to great homes.
This fortification was part of it
past the old farm

Yes, and already we are here, around the corner, because she is the object of desire, our gardens.

Now I'm arrived and drink like always my cup of tea.
A beautiful sunny week with spring-like sun rays you wish

Best Skateboard For 6 Year Old 2010

Somehow they remind me of the Baltic Sea

in the sun and a light spring breeze.

Today? Only I'm not at the Baltic Sea. But I'll go with my new socks, photographed without a model this time, I'm willing to learn, on the feet to Hanover, a little stroll in the sunshine through the city before I pick up my then visit the station ...
you! And then visit a cup of coffee ... oh I am happy.

And the socks? Size 38/39, from a turquoise / Peron "Ringel thing" from the Sleeping Beauty wool shop, knitting needles and with 2.5 it 56 stitches, of which every 4 left, just below the right foot flat. And they curl very subtle in my opinion. The evening
wool yesterday's problem, I then killed with a gray / anthrazid "Ringel thing." Socks go wherever, so I will not happen again so what I'm going to probably have a small supply wool here have to create at home.
geographic separation can sometimes be quite stressful.
I wish a good Sunday and always a sunny place for knitting.

Saturday, March 5, 2011

How Much Will It Cost Monterey Aquarium

Le Chevalier Deon

Le Chevalier Deon is before the time of the French Revolution, the reign of Louis XV and should be regarded as a proper interpretation, a homage to the historical event to develop the excellent atmosphere can. Deon de Beaumont worked as a knight and a member of a secret police for Louis XV and is both the king and loyal to France. One day, however, a coffin with his murdered sister Lia, who served as a diplomat, urged on the Seine. On the coffin with the word blood write Psalms. Her mortal remains, however, seems not to decay, so they do not receive the last blessing, still buried can be. Deon while desperately trying to get more information about the exact work and the related death experience, women are increasingly disappearing in France and the entire secret police is killed by persons unknown and downright Deon confronts his former friend and captain. But on his body are also those strange Psalms and he fights like a madman. wounded when Deon collapses, he refers briefly to the funeral was attended by the lying and Robin, the page of Marie, wife of the king saw the soul of Lia in the body of her brother drove and consumed with tears of vengeance, the attacker struck down. But how can its Another sister there and why she is so desperate?

Shortly after this incident, Deon receives the command, as a member of a royal secret organization to bring back the stolen royal psalms to Versailles. How important this will be resolved slowly during the series, but Deon guess not, what a long journey awaits him. People who master these Psalms are referred to as a poet. From Russia, the intrigues at court and make-up of the Empress Elizabeth and Ekaterina, to England and elsewhere in Europe to go and this manipulation, intrigue, suffering and death will follow. His companions are the Page Robin, which increasingly represents the position and behavior of France and the king in question, the serene and supercooled Durand, which Deon knew sister and the king's loyal and Swordmaster Teillagory, who has already served under Louis XIV and Deon and Lia in the sword fight trained. During this time, Lia increasingly manifest and Deon continues to receive fragments of memory must be replaced by his resemblance to his sister who also sometimes their clothes. Particularly in the fight Lia is essential because it can defeat the people who fight as though possessed by psalms, and relatively quickly mastered this art and self. An important character is Robespierre, which contact to Deon sister had, and follows an order of the revolution, even if it simultaneously pursues his own goals. He doubts not only in the reign of Louis XV, but would like to remove the monarchy altogether, so that people have equal rights, which are already dying from hunger and disease are increasingly suppressed. But his procedures are relatively brutal and manipulative. Expert on the historical story will already know that the time and the context of Robespierre and Louis XV and XVI and Marie Antoinette, can not vote in the welfare committee, but this is by design.

Also at the court of Versaille increase these manipulations and Duke of Orleans, brother of Louis XIV sought even on the throne. As already mentioned, the act should be regarded as a proper interpretation, since the events might otherwise seem ridiculous sometimes. Thus saith as ladybird with a skull of a small child who has the Psalms nor an awareness and desperately asks for her true mother. In the series, even ridiculous, important and melancholy, in the context of history. If it managed to become a melancholic, profound and intelligent action figures, which alters by steadily changing ideals and intrigue. The graphics and background music is excellent and has HD quality. Those who expect much fighting and action will be disappointed. Le Chevalier Deon is a quiet, dialogue-heavy series, which demands the attention of the viewer and is located in his area. With 24 episodes there is a perfect length, which is exciting to the end and the finale, even an immediate re-view allows as many scenes can be understood in a better context. The series was published on 8 DVD's, what a beautifully animated, with music have accompanied the menu and the dubbing was excellently adapted to the figures. The only negative aspect of this quality series is that certain historical events distorted to play, but at the same time in a demonstration to the series in fact shown a later sense of true history. Thus it is with Le Chevalier Deon is a very interesting series, which finally provides some variety.

9,5 / 10


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My socks

from the turquoise / petrol grass thing is done!
And to-morrow I take photos. And if I then had the wool right here, I'd like to start something new. I'm not. What shows us again that a small supply really would be good. Yes, yes.

Friday, March 4, 2011

Austrailian Toaster Buscuits

freshness "There is none like me" s

are now in Sleeping Beauty wool shop . stained

stained and sun.
The "ringed things" stay until Monday. And I hope that I might get to Monday the turquoise / petrol-pairs made. And so it goes even further. All start and knit anything done? No, that will not do.
laugh Now I only have another one of those colorful tops, and while there is also the gray mountain sheep ...
I wish us a nice evening and always a comfortable place for knitting or weaving.

Thursday, March 3, 2011

Ideas For Letter To Daughter


and internet in the new workshop. And it work.
Fine. Beautiful. Beautiful!
then so I can make the shop update here. If I could, anyway.
Fine. Beautiful. Beautiful!

Cloridrato De Sibutramina In English

Long Walk Home

Long Walk Home is based on a true story and is about the time of the Stolen Generation, in which systematically with interracial Aboriginal origin under the direction be adapted by AO Neville of white supremacy. Families are torn apart, children separated from their parents, the mother tongue may no longer be used and the religion will be adjusted after the performances. After a thorough review, the Aboriginal and used as laborers or servants in addition to the forced integration, the parallel elimination of mixed blood is obtained, since for generations, the genetic component dissociates slowly. This often-forgotten Australian history from 1910 to 1976 was an ordinary legal action because the under-privileged people can not already provide for themselves and they must be helped. This arrogance with still to this day its consequences. The film begins when the siblings Molly, Daisy and her cousin Gracie separated from their families and integrated into the re-education camp near Perth will, which is thousands of miles away from home Jigalong. There are denied them all rights and "friendly" staff and clergy to help them to integrate themselves to the new society and to replace their old roots. Children and young people keep trying to escape, but they are captured by the tracker and brought back. The daughter of this man who also lives in this camp, but this work presents the only opportunity to see them. As a thunderstorm and rain announces decides to escape the four-year-old Molly, with her sister and cousin, as not for some time their tracks can be pursued. The only landmark is a long fence, which is to separate the rabbits from farmland and extends over thousands of miles across the continent. The trip is very stressful, especially for the little Daisy exhausting, food is scarce and the children are frequently on the help of strangers instructed them that, however, are not disposed to be friendly. At the same time they are wanted by the tracker and after a few weeks and hundreds of miles on foot, Neville decides, despite negative publicity, a larger Search operation to start. The closer the children of their own, the more exhausted they become.

This film is one of the most intense actions which provides the media and generated by the real story, a deeply melancholic, depressing feeling. The freedom struggle of the children was staged very emotional and very convinced by the cohesion and security, which give the girls another. Sun Molly looks for her age, very mature and ripe, looks after moving to her little sister Daisy, who already collapsing from exhaustion and is supported by it. Daisy and Gracie have abide by Molly, since they alone can not survive, but Gracie learns that her mother is already in a different place and the children are forced to make a decision. The atmosphere is enhanced considerably by the beautiful landscapes and a soundtrack by Peter Gabriel Long Walk Home and I can highly recommend, as it not only an excellent film deals, but deals with a history of Australia, which must not be forgotten. The picture and sound quality of the DVD are very good and the films obtained by upscaling a better quality than some unkind edited Blu Rays.


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The Sea Inside is based on a real event and is about a man with quadriplegia, who wishes to claim in euthanasia, but increasingly from justice fails. Ramon is a paraplegic for 28 years and is being cared for by his brother, his wife and son love. But he's seen this subjectively, life unworthy tired. He can neither their needs nor achieve self-determination, and is always dependent on the help of others. In addition, he must live with the psychological pressure, self-created prison for this to be the cause when he tried to jump through diversion into the sea, on them, but broke his neck. Previously Ramon looked through his work on a ship, the beauty of the world, while sitting at the identical place now for decades. The lawyer Julia is next to him an organization for euthanasia help to achieve his goal, but fell ill himself from a degenerative disease that breaks their physical and mental state slowly. However, when occurs a renewed relapse, is unknown and they must live with the pressure at any time can break down, while their legs are already sick.

way, designed the relatively monotonous life and the imagination has become essential. Ramon listens to music, reading Books, introduces himself to leave this body and to be able to fly over landscapes. Also increasingly manifest feelings for Julia. Another woman in his life is, Rosa, is a factory worker who occasionally makes him and visited. She loves him open and shares it with him, but do not know whether they Ramon loves him only because of disappointments with other men, and compassion. The judicial system but rejects the request and also a minister of death, like Ramon convince the positive aspects, he finds himself in this position. Ramon mentioned time and again that he is convinced that people are happy with this disability, can he even it is not. And it only affects him, no one else, his brother is skeptical about this project and argues strongly against euthanasia. But no matter how the judicial acts upon a new application, Ramon's friends will help him to commit suicide, what preparations have been planned since the beginning of the film. The Sea Inside, the open-minded discussion of the topic dar. euthanasia is advocated, nor criticized. Ramon wants to end his life, and it is his personal right, as his life undwürdig appears. The story is very melancholy and sad, which is reinforced by the character of Julia, in that they increasingly entertains thoughts of suicide. But what if they mentally and physically is already no longer in a position? The Sea Inside is a quiet film, which makes the two hours seem much longer, however, exactly sure why. The only negative aspect of the film is the fact that disclosed little information about Ramon's past, which the protagonist would have worked more intensely.

8 / 10

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

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How To Become An Underwear Model

Serial Experiments Lain

Serial Experiments Lain is from the ever-advancing technology, mental impairment, personality disorder and profound friendship. How does the technique to humans and their environment and when something starts to be human and develops its own consciousness? Lain Iwakura is a 13-year-old, introverted girl who lives with her parents and a sister. Through their lonely, timid personality, she has except her classmate Alice barely friends. This isolation is further enhanced since it is hardly familiar with computers and can not communicate over the Internet system similar to Wired. One day, however, commits a student, Chisa, suicide and the viewer sees a text that they no longer needed their bodies. But suicide is not a new topic of conversation at school, but the fact that some students e-mails of the deceased. Lain also is curious and asks her father about setting up their navigation. This itself is very interested in technology and Lain immediately bought the latest system and, indeed, Lain receives an e-mail from Chisa, which contains the message that she is very happy and man needs no body, but also exist in the digital Wired can. No pain, no pain, no useless body of the mind captive. Only freedom. And increasingly people actually commit suicide. Lain themselves working increasingly on their GPS, the system extends even to a psyche processor to present full speed and range be. They increasingly neglected her friend Alice, who tried to integrate more into society to visit such a club called Cyberia often.

reported later Alice and her group of girls that they had seen there Lain, but it has completely different behavior and dress. At that time, however, she was at home and she is not happy with people. Lain's mental state collapses and increasingly they can hardly be distinguished from reality and surreality, hears voices, electronic and static noise, the environment in a blinding light faded, people disappear phantoms and black and red black shadows crawling. Occasionally, they also seem to observe distant events can see, for example, as a girl of an approaching train is broken, is however, within seconds a sweat in the classroom. Lain asks more of who or what they actually and what the meaning of their existence, and it actually manifest several of personalities. Lain's melancholy, timid human personality, a direct and open Internet personality and an aggressive, evil version, which urges systemathisch Lain in loneliness and isolation, trying to harm her dear friend Alice and friendship destroy. In the Wired take it relatively soon in the series to a group who call themselves Knights and worship a God, an omnipresent essence names Masami Eiri. This feels this title as pretentious and rather preferred the word Deus, but he actually has great power in the Wired and also developed a critical software. Eiri spreads the message that man does not need a body and is increasingly interested in Lain, whose power and influence is increasing more in Wired. This is increasingly seen by men dressed in black and her family becomes increasingly strange and it raised more questions. How much does the Wired actually the real world, what plans does Masami Eiri and the Knights, who are the men in black, and who or what actually is Lain? Some questions are answered, others are left to the subjective interpretation.

The staging of Serial Experiments Lain is very unusual and open up a lot of content and interpreted only by thinking. In addition to the melancholy, sad story stands out in particular the surreal, experimental video, which most of the time is displayed in cool blue tones and often over-exposure, using strong contrast. The background music is excellent or charge which offers beautiful, often electronic issues and often static, disturbing noises, which not only Lain, but also the viewer feel the atmosphere of dense leaves. With 13 episodes will Lain is a short but intense series, which has a unique atmosphere and characters that the audience will long be remembered. For viewers who like to think and interpret, and prefer a dark atmosphere, with a melancholy, lovable characters, Serial Experiments Lain is a revelation. For me, one of the best series of all time, if not the best, which distanced itself comfortable stereotypes.



interpretation and spoilers

Lain is basically a program that was developed at the Wired to the real to connect the world and break the barrier. can you lived through during the series evolution to an omnipresent, god-like beings which exist in both worlds and influence them and their people, why it was important for Masami Eiri, who spreads the message that man does not need a body and in the Wired may exist and seek a merger of both worlds. Therefore he needs Lain. When the barrier breaks down final, he can execute his disciples, the Knights, as he no longer needed. The men Charles and Lin have observed the continued development of Lain and contact with the Knights, as well as their parents were only employees. killed when the organization at the end of the Knights, even in conversation, it is disclosed that Eiri was her own behalf donors. At that time he still needed the Knights, since there are a god, or Deus, only if at least one person thinks of him occasionally, he thinks of what is on the show also mentioned frequently. But he later Lain, which, however, to his disadvantage against him used. Some viewers think that is the father of Lain in truth God or the developer, which is why he speaks in the end, just before Lain accepted their true role with her. This scene can also be interpreted differently. Lain created a vision in which they can manifest a loved one to their acceptance.

The music that is played in this scene is also "Inner Vision". The bear costume, which symbolizes their humanity, is also stripped of their acceptance. But in the end, every viewer will have his own interpretation, which is also unique about this series. Even if a program originally Lain is, they SNMP's own personality and needs, as well as the people are just a collection of data, Chromosonen and genes. As for Lain's sister, Mika, I share the widespread opinion that it was a kind of forerunner of the software and at a time between the Wired and the real world caught. While her spirit is trapped in the Wired, her body is only static, looking like a modem noises. This would also explain why they did not like Lain, that their parents are only employees.

Wording For Attendants

Mr. Monk Goes to Germany

Mr. Monk Goes to Germany can be considered as the first volume of Bonjour Mr. Monk be because both books represent a continuous journey. After Monk clears the mystery of a missing sock and obligtorische first murder case is solved, he must learn that Dr.Kroeger travels to Germany to a psychiatrist Congress. Had a neighbor with one leg and cannibalistic tendencies not already stressful enough, his new psychiatrist has only one arm. This psychiatrist has already been integrated once in the television series. Natalie is applied to this communication to understand, as Dr. Kroeger had predicted that Monk collapses psychologically. Since Natalie's already ruined Kroeger trip to Hawaii, she uses the opportunity for revenge and supports Monk in his plan, to Germany to travel. Expert on the series can look forward therefore to a reunion with "Cool Monk" because the flight can only cope with a mind-altering drug. In Lohr, the hometown of Snow White is the sleepy little town of Natalie, the culture and the unusual quiet enthusiasm. Alienated from the bustle of the city, nature walks and exercise long-forgotten sound. Monk, however, is disgusted by this medieval hell. A cobblestone walk properly prevented, a channel leading through the city sewage into a river, which was in turn used for drinking and washing, and the hotel has been soaked in pig blood. No Wonder that the seven dwarfs failed to grow and later died painfully. The two policemen Lohr are definite allusions to Captain Stottlemeyer and Randie and bear the idiosyncratic artist with substance and pottery. (Dishes)

Finally, the situation escalates when a man discovered with Monk six fingers, which Trudy bomb built. When he realized shortly thereafter that Dr. Kroeger knows this man, manifested for Monk and a gloomy picture. Mr. Monk Goes to Germany is a very good, entertaining book, which is not able to connect through content sometimes exaggerated not quite to the quality of its predecessor. This, however, the relationship between Natalie and Monk well represented, as is made clear that Natalie is committed to, even in extreme situations for Monk and many have been integrated, loving moments in the plot. Particularly positive is the fact that Dr. Kroeger has been used significantly in the act and therefore this book takes place before Season 7 of the television series, as the actor and thus the Role died of a heart attack and was later replaced by Dr. Bell. Thus, it is nice to experience once more information on Dr. Kroeger and to see him again as the central role.

8.5 / 10

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

How To Cut Chudidar Pyjama

Leon the Professional

Leon the Professional is about the quiet, introverted assassin Leon, who cares about a little girl. As Mathilda comes from the shopping home, seedy men wait outside her apartment and she realized that her family was murdered. After the corrupt cop Stansfield receives no payment despite the warning, he murdered Mathilda's family and is thus a signal to other criminals. Even her little brother was killed in the attack. When they ring in tears at the neighboring door, you Leon granted protection. Leon himself leads a very lonely, introverted life. Social contacts are up to their mission donors scarce, he always sleeps in a chair to keep an eye open keep, can not read and cares lovingly for his plant, which is his best friend. No questions, always happy, no worries. But certainly there are moral guidelines. Sun kills Leon neither women nor children. The only change in his life are occasional admissions. As the situation calmed down, he would let the girl go back, but Mathilda convinced him that they would definitely die, and he is responsible through their rescue world for them. The fact that Leon is a hitman, they do not care. On the contrary, convinced him that girls even train them to a cleaner. Unfortunately, Leon realized too late, so the handling of Mathilda want to learn weapons. About the death of her family is not upset Mathilda, as it was hardly noticed and ignored normal. Only the death of her beloved brother, she can despair because he is the only innocent of her family was and simply loved unconditionally just like it. After several escalations Stansfield is increasingly aware of Leon. Stansfield is emotionally stunted, consumed drugs and listening to classical music. His illegal activities are often overshadowed by the fact that he himself is working for the Narcotics Division and the other policemen seem to him because his subordinates to avoid. It is both for other people, as well as himself a risk;

The relationship between Leon and Mathilda is deep and warm. Since an event in Leon's past, feel the lone assassin neither love nor affection to other people and Mathilda succeed slowly, again to arouse a sense of his life. Leon is formed from the girl to a hired killer and teaches her how to deal with weapons, while Mathilda teaches him to read and take care of the household. Unfortunately, both have a different view of their relationship. Leon sees her as a daughter who he wants to protect at all costs, while Mathilda loves him open to what Leon irritated often. Scenes such as the role-play or to a restaurant clarify the harmless aspect, while Mathilda disturbed as a landlord, when she tells him that Leon is her lover. The original screenplay was Leon's personal benefit, not followed, as Leon and Mathilda should enter into a sexual relationship. This would have Leon's somewhat naive, loving charm definitely destroyed. Thus, only slight tension mounted and to avoid direct contact. The melancholy music enhances the atmosphere considerably and I would recommend the Director Cut. Action scenes are up to the beginning and end of the full emotion scarce, but it was very good insziniert. Most the end seemed a bit too exaggerated, which However, the subjective point of view is up. Thus, one of my favorite Leon the professional films, as it combines an interesting plot and emotions perfectly. The acting performance by Jean Reno and Gary Oldman in particular give the film a unique atmosphere and Natalie Portman convinced consistently with their role. This is also the bonus material is to be mentioned, illustrating the relationship between the shoot well. Subjectively, it is even with Leon the Professional by Luc Besson's best film, which until now could not build on this success.


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The March offer is here!

brought the mood for spring to me, "Primrose".

dyed wool socks to 4 times normal as it is now offering March Sleeping Beauty in the wool shop . The
"Ringel things" special staining remains until 07 March and a few " is none like me 's are also to have to get the new, as always on Friday.
Here and there came a few new colors to it. A small
Tour of the Sleeping Beauty wool shop could be interesting.
I wish us a nice evening and always a comfortable place to knit.

(my day at the table of the parent strain Middle. But I could smooth the 2nd socks create the turquoise ring thing ...)

Monday, February 28, 2011

How Long Can Herpes Live On Chapstick

How to find the workshop?

now definitely better, because for now there is a sign at the driveway.

Hach and then even the sun and blue sky ...
And one has to be done on this plate, then simply drive to the yard or go diagonally to the left is the wool shop.
What the sign really is missing now it is a cloak around the pole. That will
times the next project.
And because you asked me the March offer is coming tomorrow. February is already less wide and if we did then steal another day, no, that would not be nice.
I can already tell you the times it is quite normal wool socks and not at all blue.
I wish us a great evening and always an interesting place to knit.

Sunday, February 27, 2011

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Sometimes it is good

if anything is left of Christmas markets.
Because sometimes the teachers come to the forest nursery in February, and is already almost over, the fact that quince bread a special treat.
Well then if the girlfriend the girlfriend by chance or a box of them in the basement. Very good indeed.

to it again because quinces are still lasts forever.
Now we have not a kindergarten kid anymore, but still this little box wanders through the forest nursery.
Well, all the bags down 1 or 2 ... for here, the kids love quince and not just the children.
I wish us a nice evening and always a comfortable place to knit.

Friday, February 25, 2011

Homemade Jack Off Toys

Fridays fresh "No one is like me 's

Sleeping Beauty in the wool shop .

extra fine this week to 4X wool socks, merino wool and on to the spring To attract to Merino Lace.
are also fed fresh 4 new colors on Merino Lace, so it works with the spring and because I was in the process and a lot of tops. New Zealand lamb's wool, and Blue Faced Wenslydalewolle Leicesterwolle. The wool / silk tops need a little time to dry and then come on Monday.
Many many many things have gone grass in the last week and I think there are already some of them arrived. The next swing hangs and dries and then moves on Monday in the packages.
What I have saved in the last week are the "sent" emails. The weekend after I send it, or simply still in time, but in no case in front.
And now crying, a spinning wheel and gray organic mountain sheep's wool, a part thereof socks in a "ring thing" in turquoise / petrol and the green sweater. Still. Yes, yes.
I wish us a nice evening and always a comfortable place to knit.

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Addicted To Benzocane

Twelve Monkeys

Twelve Monkeys is rightly considered one of the best films end, combining a dark, cold future version with a time travel theme. In 2035 almost all of humanity was wiped out by a pandemic virus and the survival rate is 1%. During the few survivors eke out an existence in the underground, the animals rule the surface again, which are not affected by the virus. James Cole is regarded as criminals and of scientists faced with the option to refer to volunteer a sample of the virus and to identify the developer. Should he succeed, he will adopt his sentence and he regains his freedom. Thus, by Cole in a time machine the year teleports 1990, however, commits the fatal mistake of speaking openly about the virus and the destruction of humanity, to which it is integrated in a psychiatric institution. There he meets the patient Jeffrey Goines, who is thinking increasingly about viruses and Cole Bakti. Due to the sedative and the entire situation propagate upon to Coles and flashbacks, which are present since his childhood. He sees a man who is killed before his eyes, and a woman who looks at it in an unconventional way. However, he can not interpret it. After the failure of the mission, Cole will again have the opportunity to discover the source of the virus. After a further error of Wissensschaftler, Cole finally reaches the year 1996. There he discovered that apparently the Army of 12 Monkeys and the son of a virologist responsible for the outbreak and stole the samples from the father. But the truth is changing constantly. Because no one gives him faith that the kidnapped tourists alike a former psychiatrist who tries them from the time travel and the 12 Monkeys to convince. After initial skepticism, the confused talk of the man seem increasingly credible and a ball from the first world war, the sudden disappearance, and other information that can appear increasingly bleak future version of real. As the virus but was actually developed and who the army of the is 12 Monkeys, remains to the end and numerous expressions of interest.

12 Monkeys is because of the dark matter and the surreal scenes of a very unconventional film is, which is not all viewers will like. However, the interest aroused, a downright hypnotic effect is produced. In addition to Bruce Willis Brad Pitt is especially convincing in the depiction of the mentally impaired who received an award for this role. While the future very bleak, in an endless sea of gray and winter will be shown, has the presence of a Cassandra-topic. Cole is condemned to the future to know, but he can not convince his environment like this, which he doubts himself at some point because he is not sick and actually belongs to a psychiatric facility. The background music is also very well done and often used in addition to the main theme, are sometimes songs like "It'sa Wonderful World" performed. Who likes the unconventional staging of Terry Gilliam, Twelve Monkeys had with a very intense film, which binds to a successful end.

8.5 / 10