Thursday, March 3, 2011

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The Sea Inside is based on a real event and is about a man with quadriplegia, who wishes to claim in euthanasia, but increasingly from justice fails. Ramon is a paraplegic for 28 years and is being cared for by his brother, his wife and son love. But he's seen this subjectively, life unworthy tired. He can neither their needs nor achieve self-determination, and is always dependent on the help of others. In addition, he must live with the psychological pressure, self-created prison for this to be the cause when he tried to jump through diversion into the sea, on them, but broke his neck. Previously Ramon looked through his work on a ship, the beauty of the world, while sitting at the identical place now for decades. The lawyer Julia is next to him an organization for euthanasia help to achieve his goal, but fell ill himself from a degenerative disease that breaks their physical and mental state slowly. However, when occurs a renewed relapse, is unknown and they must live with the pressure at any time can break down, while their legs are already sick.

way, designed the relatively monotonous life and the imagination has become essential. Ramon listens to music, reading Books, introduces himself to leave this body and to be able to fly over landscapes. Also increasingly manifest feelings for Julia. Another woman in his life is, Rosa, is a factory worker who occasionally makes him and visited. She loves him open and shares it with him, but do not know whether they Ramon loves him only because of disappointments with other men, and compassion. The judicial system but rejects the request and also a minister of death, like Ramon convince the positive aspects, he finds himself in this position. Ramon mentioned time and again that he is convinced that people are happy with this disability, can he even it is not. And it only affects him, no one else, his brother is skeptical about this project and argues strongly against euthanasia. But no matter how the judicial acts upon a new application, Ramon's friends will help him to commit suicide, what preparations have been planned since the beginning of the film. The Sea Inside, the open-minded discussion of the topic dar. euthanasia is advocated, nor criticized. Ramon wants to end his life, and it is his personal right, as his life undwürdig appears. The story is very melancholy and sad, which is reinforced by the character of Julia, in that they increasingly entertains thoughts of suicide. But what if they mentally and physically is already no longer in a position? The Sea Inside is a quiet film, which makes the two hours seem much longer, however, exactly sure why. The only negative aspect of the film is the fact that disclosed little information about Ramon's past, which the protagonist would have worked more intensely.

8 / 10


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