Thursday, March 3, 2011

Cloridrato De Sibutramina In English

Long Walk Home

Long Walk Home is based on a true story and is about the time of the Stolen Generation, in which systematically with interracial Aboriginal origin under the direction be adapted by AO Neville of white supremacy. Families are torn apart, children separated from their parents, the mother tongue may no longer be used and the religion will be adjusted after the performances. After a thorough review, the Aboriginal and used as laborers or servants in addition to the forced integration, the parallel elimination of mixed blood is obtained, since for generations, the genetic component dissociates slowly. This often-forgotten Australian history from 1910 to 1976 was an ordinary legal action because the under-privileged people can not already provide for themselves and they must be helped. This arrogance with still to this day its consequences. The film begins when the siblings Molly, Daisy and her cousin Gracie separated from their families and integrated into the re-education camp near Perth will, which is thousands of miles away from home Jigalong. There are denied them all rights and "friendly" staff and clergy to help them to integrate themselves to the new society and to replace their old roots. Children and young people keep trying to escape, but they are captured by the tracker and brought back. The daughter of this man who also lives in this camp, but this work presents the only opportunity to see them. As a thunderstorm and rain announces decides to escape the four-year-old Molly, with her sister and cousin, as not for some time their tracks can be pursued. The only landmark is a long fence, which is to separate the rabbits from farmland and extends over thousands of miles across the continent. The trip is very stressful, especially for the little Daisy exhausting, food is scarce and the children are frequently on the help of strangers instructed them that, however, are not disposed to be friendly. At the same time they are wanted by the tracker and after a few weeks and hundreds of miles on foot, Neville decides, despite negative publicity, a larger Search operation to start. The closer the children of their own, the more exhausted they become.

This film is one of the most intense actions which provides the media and generated by the real story, a deeply melancholic, depressing feeling. The freedom struggle of the children was staged very emotional and very convinced by the cohesion and security, which give the girls another. Sun Molly looks for her age, very mature and ripe, looks after moving to her little sister Daisy, who already collapsing from exhaustion and is supported by it. Daisy and Gracie have abide by Molly, since they alone can not survive, but Gracie learns that her mother is already in a different place and the children are forced to make a decision. The atmosphere is enhanced considerably by the beautiful landscapes and a soundtrack by Peter Gabriel Long Walk Home and I can highly recommend, as it not only an excellent film deals, but deals with a history of Australia, which must not be forgotten. The picture and sound quality of the DVD are very good and the films obtained by upscaling a better quality than some unkind edited Blu Rays.



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