Wednesday, March 2, 2011

How To Become An Underwear Model

Serial Experiments Lain

Serial Experiments Lain is from the ever-advancing technology, mental impairment, personality disorder and profound friendship. How does the technique to humans and their environment and when something starts to be human and develops its own consciousness? Lain Iwakura is a 13-year-old, introverted girl who lives with her parents and a sister. Through their lonely, timid personality, she has except her classmate Alice barely friends. This isolation is further enhanced since it is hardly familiar with computers and can not communicate over the Internet system similar to Wired. One day, however, commits a student, Chisa, suicide and the viewer sees a text that they no longer needed their bodies. But suicide is not a new topic of conversation at school, but the fact that some students e-mails of the deceased. Lain also is curious and asks her father about setting up their navigation. This itself is very interested in technology and Lain immediately bought the latest system and, indeed, Lain receives an e-mail from Chisa, which contains the message that she is very happy and man needs no body, but also exist in the digital Wired can. No pain, no pain, no useless body of the mind captive. Only freedom. And increasingly people actually commit suicide. Lain themselves working increasingly on their GPS, the system extends even to a psyche processor to present full speed and range be. They increasingly neglected her friend Alice, who tried to integrate more into society to visit such a club called Cyberia often.

reported later Alice and her group of girls that they had seen there Lain, but it has completely different behavior and dress. At that time, however, she was at home and she is not happy with people. Lain's mental state collapses and increasingly they can hardly be distinguished from reality and surreality, hears voices, electronic and static noise, the environment in a blinding light faded, people disappear phantoms and black and red black shadows crawling. Occasionally, they also seem to observe distant events can see, for example, as a girl of an approaching train is broken, is however, within seconds a sweat in the classroom. Lain asks more of who or what they actually and what the meaning of their existence, and it actually manifest several of personalities. Lain's melancholy, timid human personality, a direct and open Internet personality and an aggressive, evil version, which urges systemathisch Lain in loneliness and isolation, trying to harm her dear friend Alice and friendship destroy. In the Wired take it relatively soon in the series to a group who call themselves Knights and worship a God, an omnipresent essence names Masami Eiri. This feels this title as pretentious and rather preferred the word Deus, but he actually has great power in the Wired and also developed a critical software. Eiri spreads the message that man does not need a body and is increasingly interested in Lain, whose power and influence is increasing more in Wired. This is increasingly seen by men dressed in black and her family becomes increasingly strange and it raised more questions. How much does the Wired actually the real world, what plans does Masami Eiri and the Knights, who are the men in black, and who or what actually is Lain? Some questions are answered, others are left to the subjective interpretation.

The staging of Serial Experiments Lain is very unusual and open up a lot of content and interpreted only by thinking. In addition to the melancholy, sad story stands out in particular the surreal, experimental video, which most of the time is displayed in cool blue tones and often over-exposure, using strong contrast. The background music is excellent or charge which offers beautiful, often electronic issues and often static, disturbing noises, which not only Lain, but also the viewer feel the atmosphere of dense leaves. With 13 episodes will Lain is a short but intense series, which has a unique atmosphere and characters that the audience will long be remembered. For viewers who like to think and interpret, and prefer a dark atmosphere, with a melancholy, lovable characters, Serial Experiments Lain is a revelation. For me, one of the best series of all time, if not the best, which distanced itself comfortable stereotypes.



interpretation and spoilers

Lain is basically a program that was developed at the Wired to the real to connect the world and break the barrier. can you lived through during the series evolution to an omnipresent, god-like beings which exist in both worlds and influence them and their people, why it was important for Masami Eiri, who spreads the message that man does not need a body and in the Wired may exist and seek a merger of both worlds. Therefore he needs Lain. When the barrier breaks down final, he can execute his disciples, the Knights, as he no longer needed. The men Charles and Lin have observed the continued development of Lain and contact with the Knights, as well as their parents were only employees. killed when the organization at the end of the Knights, even in conversation, it is disclosed that Eiri was her own behalf donors. At that time he still needed the Knights, since there are a god, or Deus, only if at least one person thinks of him occasionally, he thinks of what is on the show also mentioned frequently. But he later Lain, which, however, to his disadvantage against him used. Some viewers think that is the father of Lain in truth God or the developer, which is why he speaks in the end, just before Lain accepted their true role with her. This scene can also be interpreted differently. Lain created a vision in which they can manifest a loved one to their acceptance.

The music that is played in this scene is also "Inner Vision". The bear costume, which symbolizes their humanity, is also stripped of their acceptance. But in the end, every viewer will have his own interpretation, which is also unique about this series. Even if a program originally Lain is, they SNMP's own personality and needs, as well as the people are just a collection of data, Chromosonen and genes. As for Lain's sister, Mika, I share the widespread opinion that it was a kind of forerunner of the software and at a time between the Wired and the real world caught. While her spirit is trapped in the Wired, her body is only static, looking like a modem noises. This would also explain why they did not like Lain, that their parents are only employees.


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