Tuesday, March 1, 2011

How To Cut Chudidar Pyjama

Leon the Professional

Leon the Professional is about the quiet, introverted assassin Leon, who cares about a little girl. As Mathilda comes from the shopping home, seedy men wait outside her apartment and she realized that her family was murdered. After the corrupt cop Stansfield receives no payment despite the warning, he murdered Mathilda's family and is thus a signal to other criminals. Even her little brother was killed in the attack. When they ring in tears at the neighboring door, you Leon granted protection. Leon himself leads a very lonely, introverted life. Social contacts are up to their mission donors scarce, he always sleeps in a chair to keep an eye open keep, can not read and cares lovingly for his plant, which is his best friend. No questions, always happy, no worries. But certainly there are moral guidelines. Sun kills Leon neither women nor children. The only change in his life are occasional admissions. As the situation calmed down, he would let the girl go back, but Mathilda convinced him that they would definitely die, and he is responsible through their rescue world for them. The fact that Leon is a hitman, they do not care. On the contrary, convinced him that girls even train them to a cleaner. Unfortunately, Leon realized too late, so the handling of Mathilda want to learn weapons. About the death of her family is not upset Mathilda, as it was hardly noticed and ignored normal. Only the death of her beloved brother, she can despair because he is the only innocent of her family was and simply loved unconditionally just like it. After several escalations Stansfield is increasingly aware of Leon. Stansfield is emotionally stunted, consumed drugs and listening to classical music. His illegal activities are often overshadowed by the fact that he himself is working for the Narcotics Division and the other policemen seem to him because his subordinates to avoid. It is both for other people, as well as himself a risk;

The relationship between Leon and Mathilda is deep and warm. Since an event in Leon's past, feel the lone assassin neither love nor affection to other people and Mathilda succeed slowly, again to arouse a sense of his life. Leon is formed from the girl to a hired killer and teaches her how to deal with weapons, while Mathilda teaches him to read and take care of the household. Unfortunately, both have a different view of their relationship. Leon sees her as a daughter who he wants to protect at all costs, while Mathilda loves him open to what Leon irritated often. Scenes such as the role-play or to a restaurant clarify the harmless aspect, while Mathilda disturbed as a landlord, when she tells him that Leon is her lover. The original screenplay was Leon's personal benefit, not followed, as Leon and Mathilda should enter into a sexual relationship. This would have Leon's somewhat naive, loving charm definitely destroyed. Thus, only slight tension mounted and to avoid direct contact. The melancholy music enhances the atmosphere considerably and I would recommend the Director Cut. Action scenes are up to the beginning and end of the full emotion scarce, but it was very good insziniert. Most the end seemed a bit too exaggerated, which However, the subjective point of view is up. Thus, one of my favorite Leon the professional films, as it combines an interesting plot and emotions perfectly. The acting performance by Jean Reno and Gary Oldman in particular give the film a unique atmosphere and Natalie Portman convinced consistently with their role. This is also the bonus material is to be mentioned, illustrating the relationship between the shoot well. Subjectively, it is even with Leon the Professional by Luc Besson's best film, which until now could not build on this success.



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