Thursday, January 27, 2011

Highlights Brown Hair 2010

Master and Commander

Master and Commander is next to A Beautiful Mind is, Gladiator and inside one of the best films of Russell Crowe, won despite excellent reviews, however, could never have a comparable success. Captain Jack Aubrey sails during the Napoleonic era for the British government on the ship HMS Surprise and one day of the French ship Acheron attacked, thus helping to bring the ship is severely damaged forced to flee. This defeat was not only surprising, but also offends the sense of honor of Jack Aubrey, who decides to, on behalf of the British government to take revenge and to follow the legend of translucent French. This action highlights the life and psyche of the men aboard the HMS Surprise and action-packed moments occur only occasionally, which enhances the atmosphere of positive action. While Aubrey would defeat the Acheron necessarily come to the ship's doctor and best friend Stephen Maturin concerns since the master pursues an obsession and revenge rather than rational thinking. In the first confrontation, some men were seriously wounded, for example, is a boy's arm amputated, but the courage of the team and unbroken loyalty of the men. But it is possible the Acheron again to make Captain Aubrey, after which only a manipulative flight ensures their survival. At the same time the team feared that a man is in charge on board the ship to the ghostly, gradual appearance of the Acheron, which slowly breaks down mentally. The friendship between Aubrey and the nature interested ship's doctor is increasingly to the test, as it the practice of Aubrey doubts and would like to visit the Galapagos Islands, for the study of rare species, which, ironically, later, the friendship will strengthen again and an insect, which is camouflage against its enemies and while the plot is often mentioned, still plays an important role. Very positive view of the war should be mentioned that neither prejudices nor has stigmata. There are two sides in a battle, people are dying to win a fraction is. Neither the British nor the French are glorified or designated as the correct page.

The presentation of everyday life on the ship, the roaring waves and the personality and motivations of the men from the same act a little too simple. In particular, the relationship between Captain Aubrey and the ship's doctor was staged managed, resulting in scenes such as the violin playing of common Mozart 3rd Violin Concerto or the Galapagos Islands is evident. The responsibility as captain was well illustrated. If the team is treated in a friendly and careless, decreases the authority and respect, but at the same time must not be cracked down too hard, since they may lead to a mutiny. The background music, and especially the sounds is excellent, while the image quality of Blu Ray is definitely reference quality and achieved no more like an upscaled DVD does, but this does not affect the film itself. With nearly 2 1 / 2 hours hardly exist scenes that are too contrived or deliberately dragged out and the end is perfectly acceptable for a sequel hope, which, however, is unlikely because of the lack of success with the public. The novels, on which the film is loosely based, had offered enough potential.

8.5 / 10


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